My shameless plug...AVON calling!

Yes, I'm THAT woman now! I still don't cake make-up on my face and smell like the fragrance counter at Macy's, but I do sell AVON. It's fun! It really is! We have silly little meeting where we play games and smell perfume and try on make up samples and exchange ideas. I've made some money doing it. Of course, just as any good business woman would, I put much of that money into marketing research, but it's all very beneficial to the future of my business. (My husband totally fell for that one last night!) I mean, I'm having an AVON party next weekend. I have to buy alcohol, right? That's a business write-off! I'm not making enough right now for that to matter, but eventually it will. Now I know how Donald Trump got away with it and made his millions! Minus the beauty products, obviously.
So, all you can do now is wish me luck and check out and if you place an order put my phone number when it asks for it, and I'll get credit for it. It'll come right to you and you'll have to pay shipping, but it's that easy! And, no, my stalker friends, you're not getting my phone number. Nice try, though!
I'm always looking for helpers too! who will either earn cash or products, up to you!
Okay, I'm done! Geez, now I know how celebs feel when they're on, not really!
Someone emailed this to me along with the picture at the top:
I'm an Avon Lady Take a look at me
Showin' off my Skin-So-Soft
For everyone to see
I'm more than a housewife
I'm a business woman too
And if you don't have a dream
How can you have a dream come true