Welcome to 2006!
My husband finally has the internet at work. It's about time! (Hey, Bri, right click on the links and click OPEN IN NEW WINDOW so it doesn't send you away from the blog again...isn't that annoying?) Anyhow, I've sent him a couple of websites to get him started on the whole searching thing. "I click and it takes me there so fast!" He can't believe you don't have to wait an hour for the page to come up! Yes, sadly, we have dial-up at home. You type in the web address you want then you watch So You Think You Can Dance? and at the first commercial your site might be up...probably without pictures, but it's there. Then you click on the link you want and change the TV channel to America's got Talent. At the next commercial you look up and realize your dial-up kicked you off so you have to reconnect...if you even remember why you were going on in the first place. That's another thing with dial-up you always have a reason to go on. You NEVER just surf the net for no reason. That could take days! So, Brian, welcome to the wonderful world of high speed internet. Now get some work done!
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