My mother is out of rehab!
I've been busy! VERY busy!
My mother had knee replacement surgery on January 31. Seeing her on Morphine has been the highlight of the past few weeks! I pretty much sat there and laughed at her until they took the IV was great! They moved her into a nursing home...sorry, rehab center and she's been there until about ten minutes ago. It's funny because when you don't tell people about the surgery and just say things like "I have to go visit my mother in rehab" people look at you funny. I didn't realize why until one of my friends said "oh, is she going to be okay?" and couldn't look at me in the eyes. I laughed and thought about the tens of people that probably think my mother is some sort of junky! HAHA! Well, she's on her way home right now and she plans to go out with her friends tonight...that's my girl! So many funny things happened while she was in there! BUT I think I'll leave you hanging for a bit so I can go eat lunch...
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