When it began to snow Saturday afternoon I called Brian to ask if he still planned to go out.
"Yes," he said very matter-of-factly.
"Are you nuts?"
"Maybe. (He's pretty famous for being a smart ass when he's in a good mood.) I planned on having Japanese food tonight, and that's what I'm having. The babysitter will be here in two hours. Hurry up and get home so you can get ready to go."
The Japanese restaurant is, normally, a 40 minute drive. There was already two inches on the ground. I still got dressed up AND I wore heels. Those of you who know me well aren't surprised.
The sitter came and told us we were crazy, and we were on our way. All our friends with 4-wheel drive were at the restaurant when we got there. We had 7:00 reservations for 13 people. There were now six of us.
Dinner was GREAT! My vegetarian friend had some trouble watching raw beef, fish and chicken get cooked right in front of her, but after a few drinks it didn't seem to bother her anymore.
"Let's get going," Brian said to everyone.
Everyone took this a different way. Since it was snowing some of us thought he meant,"There's a blizzard outside so we should go home," but I knew he meant, "Let's go to the bar across town!" That bar was lame, so we had one drink there and went to another bar on the other side of the city. We closed that place and proceeded to drive 40 miles home. We'll, everyone made it home in one piece.
Massachusetts was in a state of emergency until some time Sunday. The storm ended Sunday morning leaving 20 inches or more on the ground. Boston was in a state of emergency until Monday night. Are we nuts? Yes, yes we are!