Dee's Life

This is a blog about anything I feel like talking about. I update it when I want and write what I want. Sometimes it's about me, but sometimes it's about current events.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Don't Do That!

So, I'm driving home from work the other night when a large dunkin' donuts coffee cup comes flying out of the window of the car in front of me . I wanted to follow him to his destination and yell. Then I started to think, "Dee, what the hell are you going to say? 'Don't Do that! That's not nice.'" So I took my left turn toward home and he proceeded straight. I thought about it the whole ride home...."I'm going to write a letter to the newspaper telling that man that littering is a bad thing." Then I started making up statistics in my pretend letter in the newspaper..."If everyone threw a large coffee cup out the window we could line them up and they'd go all the way around the WORLD!" and "If you picked up two coffee cups for every coffee cup you've ever thrown out your car window, the hole in the ozone layer would be half the size it is today!" Neither of which is true. I guess I get a bit mental when I'm in the car by myself for an hour and someone pisses me off. Then I thought, "what a hypocrite I am...I should have stopped and picked it up. Oh well. I can't be too mad now because now it's my fault the stupid cup is there."


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