Something needs to change!
I live in a very small town. It started to snow (big suprize!) yesterday morning after the children were already in school. I was told by a teacher that the school NEVER lets the elementary school out early, so I never thought about it again. She MUST be right! Well, yesterday proved why we should never say NEVER, and possibly why we should always double check what teachers tell us!!! My first grader was put on the bus three hours earlier than usual and sent HOME without my knowledge! I was at work an hour away. My husband was at work 40 minutes away. I listened to the local AM station from 8:30 in the morning until I left work at 3:30. No one alerted me that my son's school would be letting out early! I found out by looking online during my lunch hour, which was 40 minutes AFTER the children had boarded their buses. After calling people completely panicked for about 20 minutes I found him at a neighbors house where he was safe. When I called the superintendents office to find out why I was never notified about the early release, they told me I should have checked online or watched TV! TV? Where would I find a TV at work? When I asked the woman why it wasn't on the radio station that the school told me to listen to in case something like this happens, she replied, "The station wouldn't let us announce it." I think that was a load of, I KNOW it was! I listen to that station everyday, and I know they would never deny alerting parents that their children will be going home to empty houses! Something needs to change!