Christmas Shmistmas
Every year I get all warm and fuzzy inside right around Thanksgiving time. The day after turkey day I'm shopping for Christmas presents all happy and smiling and excited for Santa. Then I get the kids pictures taken and have Christmas cards printed up and I start sending them out...they're so cute!
Then it starts. I realize I don't have enough cards for the 75 people I send cards to and even if I did have enough cards I don't even have everyone's updated addresses...then I lose the book of stamps and buy more only to find my daughter playing with them like they were stickers. Now it's four days before Christmas and I'm rushing around trying to find gifts for everyone and mailing out the last of the cards that I made on the computer because I keep forgetting someone. Then I realize "Santa" got three times more gifts for my daughter than he got for my son so I have to go out and even it out which ends up costing me five times as much as it would have if I had more time. Now I can't find my Christmas card list so I have no idea who got cards and who didn't so I guess Christmas cards are done. I still have to bake for the school party which is....oh shit! It's tomorrow! I still have to get the teachers gifts together...looks like I'm pulling an all-nighter again! What's this? Oh man! I just got three card sent BACK to me because they didn't have stamps on them...where is my head?
Well, if you didn't get a card or a gift or something yet then it's either late or it's not'll figure it out! Just remember, Christmas is all about family and being together. Who really believes this shit? Isn't it all about Jesus Christ being born and celebrating his birth? Then why the hell am I getting YOU anything? I should be getting a gift for Jesus and, if what the church teaches us is true, Jesus is all forgiving so if I get him nothing he'll forgive me! Wow! I wish I thought of that earlier...that makes everything so much easier!