Did I leave ya hangin'?

So, I guess I started a bunch of stuff that I never finished. It's like when the last chapter in a book is missing. You've taken the time to read it and now you'll never know how it ends, right. Well, my friends, not here. I just took a bit of a break and now I'm back. I didn't realize how many people read this thing until I came to work today and had a bunch of emails asking me to post again. Ah, cyber-popularity...isn't it creepy? Anywho...where was I?
Crazy neighbor update: Thursday night I went to a neighbor's house. He told me I should apologize to crazy girl because her husband was going to make my life hell if I didn't. WHAT? I'm not one to apologize for something I did right. Now I was pissed! I stormed down to the neighbor's house with my husband and we had a screaming match for about an hour. In the end I think we agreed to disagree as long as someone was outside while their kids are outside on my land. Which is all I asked for in the first place. The one funny part of that night? She asked me if I thought she didn't watch her kids well enough and I looked her right in the face and said "Yes, that's exactly what I think." I don't know if you'd call us friends again, but at least I can drive by her house without getting hit with those daggers!
Dukes of hazard update: Friday night I went with two of my friends. We were very lucky to get seats together because it was packed. I laughed out loud a lot. Jessica was gorgeous, as usual. She didn't have as many lines as I would have liked, but I'll accept that. The car scenes were better than any I've ever seen! It was a mix of comedy and action...it was great! I almost yelled YEE-HAW at one point. Now that I think of it I probably could have and no one would have flinched because of the type of people that were there. I live in redneckville and the theatre was full of us! I counted ten cowboy hats! The guy in front of me had a big wad of minty chew in his lip. YEE-HAW would have fit right in.
Well, that's all the loose ends I think I left. I'm going to write more tomorrow...or will I?
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