Dee's Life

This is a blog about anything I feel like talking about. I update it when I want and write what I want. Sometimes it's about me, but sometimes it's about current events.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The reply

This email is in response to a previous email received. First and foremost, I would also like to reiterate that the kids safety is also a first priority with us as well. Eshra and I also think it is great having a neighborhood that all has something in common. The kids all enjoy riding together. But, as it seems there are only a few kids that are accepted to ride free through other peoples land.

You keep referring to supervision, you mean to tell me that you follow your kids through the woods each and every time they visit the "common woods". We are supervising our children just as well as you are. Just because we don't sit up there with you neighbors drinking beer and socializing, doesn't mean we are not watching our children. And Bo I didn't know you were in any kind of a position to speak of how other people watch their children, its not like we're taking off and leaving while they're in the woods. So far as supervision worry about you own theories of supervision.

And yes I also feel the kids should respect these vehicles. But don't be a hypocrite BO by drinking and driving way to be good role models. Your trying to teach them right, well open your eyes and look what they see. And as far as land owners, not one person but us has asked Steve the neighbor between us if he minds if the kids ride on his property. And the "rollercoaster" you have built is also on another persons property. So has the permission been granted? How about riding in the sandpits marked NO TRESPASSING. Good lesson for the kids. AT this rate, we have decided that our kids will not ride on any other property unless invited to the neighborhood common woods by the owners.

I have my attorney working on a letter to release the responsibility of the land owners so there will be no worry of responsibility for the land owner.

Well, now let me pick this apart a bit.

All the children in the neighborhood are allowed to ride on the trails. That was part of the original agreement. So I'm not sure why she said, "there are only a few kids that are accepted to ride free through other peoples land." She's the only one without trails behind her that why she's the only one that's upset?

When I spoke with her husband, Eshra, on the phone I said I just wanted an adult outside with them not necessarily on the trails. So, no, I don't follow my children on the trails but I AM outside when they are riding. "We are supervising our children just as well as you are. Just because we don't sit up there with you...drinking beer..." She knows very well that I drink VERY rarely and only if it's a Saturday. The last time I had an alcoholic beverage was July 23rd.

"So as far as supervision worry about you own theories of supervision." IT'S MY LAND!!! I SHOULD be able to ask you to watch your children while using MY land! If you want to leave your children unsupervised on YOUR land, then go ahead! BUT NOT ON MY LAND!!!

"drinking and driving way to be good role models" I believe her husband lost his license for a few years WAY before my husband started drinking and driving 4-wheelers (while the children are in bed!)

"Not one person but us has asked has permission been granted?" Actually, we did ask and he's fine with it. Also, the "rollercoaster" was built by MY husband because he was asked by the neighbor to build it for the neighbor's son. The agreement was made with ALL the neighbors!

"How about riding in the sand pits..." Um...this one is funny! Her husband, Eshra, was the one who introduced my family to the sand pits. AND he was the one who was riding so recklessly that he ran my 6-year-old off the road and caused him to be afraid to ride for a long time. My children don't go there anymore, but my husband does. The cops have stopped him, but they usually say "keep it safe" and leave him alone.

Dee's final thought: If she has decided that her kids won't ride on our land anymore then why is she spending the money to have a lawyer write a release of responsibility for the land owners?


At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dee... you are 100% in the right on this issue. The other party is clearly neglecting their parental responsibilties and are deflecting their supervisory inaction with that curt, rude, and nonsense filled letter. Indeed, there is no reason for a lawyer to draft correspondence concerning future responsibility if the children will not be on your land. The letter you received is yet another example of the 'dumbing down of America'. 'Nuff said.


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