County Fairs

Aren't county fairs fun? I always think of pigs and cows and beauty pageants and women with big hair and old men in suspenders. Well, our local county fair is coming up and I wanted to be part of the fun this year, so Connor and Caitlyn and I are entering "stuff" into the exhibits. The prizes are very small. The kids can win ribbons and the adults can win up to $5!!! Which is pretty funny since it costs $10 to get into the fair! So, Connor and I are entering photos. Connor is also going to bake brownies...from a box, of course, and Caitlyn is going to color a picture that they have provided for her and she's going to decorate a T-shirt. The picture has, what else, pigs and cows and a barn on it! Doesn't it sound like fun? Well, Connor doesn't know it yet, but he's going to the zoo tomorrow and he's going to take my digital camera with him so he can get some great animal shots! The pictures I have posted today are some that I might be entering. There's a category for digitally enhanced and one for, think they can really tell if I lightened it a bit? How about if I changed it from color to black and white? Enhanced means, like, turned psychedelic colors and stuff...right?
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